Friday, May 9, 2008

Beaches, books, and bugs

I was thinking that I should change my post to something that more accurately describes things for me right now. Yes, it is is still May-Gray and still gloomy outside, but today, my mood does not parallel the weather. I was thinking of how many things I have to be grateful for, and the list honestly seemed endless. I decided to make the most of my time not working, and read 'til some poor unfortunate company hires me. Ha! The fools, I'll get them yet.

The first thing that came to mind is how thankful and how much I love my sisters (I hope this doesn't embarrass them because they are one of the few people that read this...). They have been so supportive to me not only now, but through my entire life. I have really admired every single one of them and have always just wanted their approval (not with clothes, mind you, we have always had very different tastes in attire), and they seem to always be encouraging and building me up. Things haven't always been perfect because none of us are perfect, but truthfully, they are perfect. I know that they will always support and help me along, being the baby and all, and I can always depend on them. I love 'em and always will. No one has better sisters. No one.

The second thing that I'm pretty thankful for is books. I have always loved to read and moving here hasn't changed that. I went to the library, picked up 4 books, two days later finished all 4, and plan on returning to the library to pick up some more. Ah... thank you written world. You have saved me once again (the first time was when I broke my ankle playing soccer at the beginning of the summer and took that experience as an excuse make myself a recluse and to hole up in our family's library and read, read, and read).

The third thing I am thankful for is the beach. I honestly do love it (maybe as much as Nat) and spent a lot of today just walking and reading on it. The beach is perfect and I had forgotten that you can still go to it when its not 80 degrees. Its almost better that way because no one else is there and you have it to yourself.

The fourth thing that I will mention that I'm thankful for is ant. See, at first I saw them as enemites, little beasts sent to torment me. Now, spending a full week with no one but the ants, I have come to befriend them and have even gotten to know their names. The names change of course, since I don't really know who is who, but talking to them has really helped me understand their plight. I have put borders of where they can and cannot go using Comet, and they seem to be obeying my wishes (that or they know that crossing the white dust will surely kill them). Bite-size, my favorite, was telling me yesterday about how carrying the poison from the traps I put out was really starting to wear him out. I told him not to worry about it but to make sure he got his family plenty of food from those traps, because you never know when you're going to get a pitcher of water dumped on your family's ant hole and then get stomped on and then get Comet poured on top. He agreed and said he was going to work double-time. I told him that that was a good idea.


megship said...

Seriously, why must you make me cry? I really am crying like a baby right now. If anyone asks, I am going to blame it on the hormones that accompany having a baby. I find I cannot stop laughing from the naming of the ants. Tell the ants, "hi" from Meghan! Tucker just saw your picture and said, "mom, yook! It's Dorky!" I love you Court!

BAV said...

Because of you I read, read, read
Miss you Court

Natalie Scott said...

Aw, shucks Court. You are a sweetie. Seriously? What would we do without you, the baby sister. I always feel like the luckiest lady alive because of you three sisters of mine. Thank you for your kind words, and loving me despite my phobia of birds.

Your ant adventures are just killing me! And I'm so jealous you are spending so much time at the beach. Ah, the beach. It's heaven on earth, no? and books! I, too, love to read. Especially when little kids are not crawling all over you Courtie!

p.s. Tell Josh THANK YOU for everything. The boys just hated to see him go. You've got yourself a good man.

rvasay said...

I loved your post-----and I know your sisters loved it too! Ask Jenny about the book she sent me for Mother's Day.
It's about Akitas! I haven't read it yet but it's going to be good!
It's called Dog Man. I love you
Corker! MOM