I just wanted to post these real quick, since I have another post on it's way, and I couldn't just not post them since the whole purpose of a blog for people without kids is to make it look like you're having more fun than anyone else. Here are Josh and I, having more fun than anyone else at the Del Mar racetrack. I would be lying if I didn't admit to crying every time the horses raced. I was so in awe of how absolutely beautiful and incredible the horses were, I couldn't help the tears. Yup. I'm a wacko.
Ooohh, Ryan and I have always wanted to go to a horse race...looks like so much fun!
I want to go to! and yes you are a little bit of a freak, but I still love you. It is always good to show that sensitive side that we know you have.
dang it! I meant too, I am not a dummy I promise.
Hey, I didn't even notice this sneaky little post! I love the shirt you are wearing. Someday you and I will live on a huge farm with horses, hens (we will collect eggs everyday), and many other exotic farm animal wildlife. Deal? Deal! With or without our husbands! Ha ha ha!
Yes you are Grandma all over again.
The horses are beautiful. I love you MOM
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