So I spent a weekend in Utah to see my mom and family. It was really great to see them all, and especially my mom. I love my family and wouldn't trade them for anything.

Now, on to equally as important topics, such as the second time in my life someone told me I looked like Melissa Joan Hart. Yes, the second time. No one has ever told me I looked like anybody except this specific celebrity (can she really even be called that?), and I have to say that it upsets me greatly. I feel that I am slightly more attractive and remarkably less annoying than she is.
The first time someone told me I looked like Sabrina the Teenage Witch was when I was a junior in high school. It was a boy I thought I could possibly like and when he said I looked 'exactly like Melissa Joan Hart, its freaky...' I paused for only a few seconds, just to throw up, and then remembered that I absolutely detested him and had never even thought him remotely normal.
The second time someone told me I looked like her was a few days ago, from one of the patients at my work. She asked me if I knew who 'Sabrina the Teenage Witch' was, and I said that I did, completely ignorant of where the conversation was leading. I quickly thought of the hideous boy who once told me I resembled her and began remembering what terrible destruction I wished upon him for making up such a lie. She smiled and said, "you look just like her!" I smiled and walked away smiling. I smiled all the way to the kitchen, where I picked up a coffee maker, still smiling, and carried it back to the room where the patient was waiting. I smiled at her while I threw it at her, shattering the glass pot against the wall, all the while smiling.
Say I look like her and be prepared to face the consequences: a smashed coffee pot behind your head. I mean, is it so arrogant to think I am more attractive than her? Has anyone else ever gotten a 'You look exactly like...' remark, that is absolutely uncomplimentary? I never walk up to someone thats really short and said, "you look exactly like Danny DiVito!" or to someone fairly pale, "Wow. Do you know who Marilyn Manson is, because you could be twins!"
Crap. I just really looked at some pictures. I think I do look like her, but that she actually looks better than I do. Crap.
One time in junior high someone told me I looked like Dana Carvey. I think Melissa Joan Hart is at least prettier than him.
Coutney- she can do MAGIC! Imagine how much faster you could do the dishes or make dinner. You'd never have to scrub the bathtub again! You could also STOP time (& leave a room or mess with people while they were frozen). How awesome would that be? I think you should strive to me just like her (minus her annoying tendencies).
although her talking cat always creeped me out.
I miss TGIF.
I see similarities, but I wouldn't say you look "just like her". I do think you are prettier, though. I have been told I look like Reese Witherspoon more times then I can count! It's to the point now that when a stranger comes up to me and says, "you look just like..." I complete their thought. I don't know what to make of it, though.
I think she's cute but not as cute as you. Sorry that you don't want to look remotely like her. Please don't throw a coffee pot at me! I love you MOM
Man, I know how you feel! I get called Jennifer Aniston, Charlize Theron, and lots of other beautiful celebrities all the time! Ugh. Sometimes I wish I wasn't so beautiful.
OK I'm just going to say it. I've always thought Melissa Joan Hart is really cute. You are prettier, though, I assure you. I just wouldn't take it so hard when someone says you look like her...
It must be the smile and blond hair. Otherwise you look nothing alike.
I've gotten Jodi Foster.
1. She looks like man, most of the time
2. I DO NOT look anything like Jodi Foster
But I forgave the woman, because she was Japanese, and I really feel like she didn't know what she was talking about. She might have meant that I actually look nothing like Jodi Foster, which is true.
But then, why did she bring her up?
A few people, not even related have said I look like, um... what's her name from the gay show...with red hair. Wow my mind is blank. I can't even think of the name of the show. oh well, that red head girl...GOT IT, Debra Messing. She has some really weird looking ugly moments sometimes. I think those are the moments people are saying I look like her. OH and by the way... I am glad you are still alive, I feel like you disappeared off the planet for awhile, did you get my email?
I've been told I look like Jodi Foster too. And yes, Shelli, she totally does look like a man. Then I did one of those celebrity look a like things online and half of my celebrity matches were men. I was really pissed.
Isn't this like saying that you look like you? I mean, I've never heard of this lady. So, it's like saying you look like Janice Kapp Jeremy. It means nothing.
I will now make you feel good by telling you that you look like a complete, random stranger I saw a week ago. I can't remember what she looked like, exactly, except that she looked like you.
Oh, wait. That WAS you. You paid attention to the "brothers" for an hour at Mom's house. I didn't recognize you. At least when Meghan spends time with me she growls so I know it's her. :-)
Well this just reminds me of the good 'ol days when we would watch TGIF at you mom and dads house. Good times. Way to pick the ugliest picture of MJH. I don't think you look like each other though. Anyways, sorry to those who got compared to Jodi Foster since she is a big lesbo!
(Natalie Dickinson) I look at you blog from time to time and wonder why all the Asay's are so hilarious!
The other day I was told I looked like Fergie. Now I somewhat took this as a compliment because sometimes she looks gorgeous, but sometimes not so much. I'll just tell myself it's from when she's looking good. Now, if they would have said my body looks exactly like Fergies I would have liked that much better... I can dream.
Your gorgeous, don't think otherwise!
I guess it's now the time to tell you I was always jealous of how pretty you were/are.
As far as Melissa Joan Hart, I suppose as most people are saying, I can see tiny similarities but you are definitely prettier. I always got the stupid girl on "My Girl" and I don't even look like her. I hope that you feel better after throwing the coffee pot at her ;)
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