Monday, August 4, 2008

Breaking Dumb

So I'm listening to the little girls playing outside my window, hearing them pretend to amputate one another's legs because a rabid shark attacked them and now they have to raise money to pay for the surgery but they are having a difficult time finding the funds for the growing the medical bills (sounds like an episode of House or Grey's Anatomy...), and thinking how I miss playing. I miss pretending to have my leg amputated. I miss pretending I'm a poor woman who lives in a shack (my closet) but has found an unwanted orphan (my cabbage patch doll) and must feed and clothe it. I miss pretending I'm a fox with an incredibly large and fluffy tail, and I'm escaping from the pound (never mind what a fox is doing in a dog pound..) *sigh* I miss childhood.

I can't say that I'm too far removed, though, from childhood, since I was at a child's event on Friday. I'm only slightly ashamed to admit that I was at the Breaking Dawn opening event this last Friday. It was interesting to see all the 13 year old girls I had to push out of my way, trying to pretend I was looking for my 13 year old daughter. I could see the look of confusion in the young people's eyes, as they wondered what that old person -me -was doing at their event. Don't worry. I acted really cool and smooth throughout the entire thing. I only punched a girl in the face once, when she was reaching for the same Edward and Bella calendar as I was. And when another girl raised her hand during the Twilight trivia game and answered it wrong, I refrained from screaming expletives in her face, remarking only that she was the most brainless wanna-be-fan ever. I mean, who doesn't know how many times Edward mentions Bella's name in the first and second book? Thats like Twilight 101. Basic Twilight knowledge. And when a girl wearing a t-shirt with her first name and 'Cullen' as her last name walked by, I only gave a gentle shove, just so her nose bled a little bit when it hit the floor. So really, I wasn't super noticeable as I ranked everyone in age by at least 10 years (with the exception of my dear friend who went with me. Only she went because she really does have a 12 year old...). But I just want to report that I read it, it wasn't my favorite, and I'm actually really over the whole series now. Truly. I only wear my 'Twilight Fanatic' shirt to bed every other night now. Just kidding though. Seriously. I'm over it.

Umm... Josh just read that over my shoulder and asked me tone it down a bit. He said that there are people out there who might read this and consider me an incredible volatile individual, ready to explode at any moment. Let me just clarify. I'm an incredibly volatile individual who is ready to explode at any second. Really though? I only fantasize about relieving my aggression. I rarely act it out. That was supposed to make you feel comfortable around me again.


Natalie Scott said...

I'm just now reading it, and finding myself a bit disappointed so far. Looks like it's going to be a good one for "finalizing" everything, though.

For now, I just want to finish it before Ryan's parents get here Wed. Don't know if that's going to happen since I'm having an easier time putting this one down to get other things done.

Tell Josh we Asays just need to be authentic. There's no use hiding who we truly are ;)

rvasay said...

Could someone email me with the plot because I do want to know what happens so I can have closure (haha)
Sounds like Brittany's assessment is not too far off heh? Think about it how could there be a satisfactory ending? It is not possible. I don't think really you are authentic after all! I love you MOM

rvasay said...

Ok I meant I think you ARE authentic.
Sorry I cannot think straight this early. I love you MOM

Unknown said...

Okay, I admit to neglecting my family and my house for the last couple of days to finish the book and what a disappointment. I suppose it was fine for closure and all that but I still want the last three days of my life back. I so did not care about the characters by the end that I was upset when things didn't end more violently. Sorry, I won't say anymore as to not be a spoiler but geez, what a flop!

cameo said...

You can't be over the WHOLE series, can you? I mean, there was a reason you went at Midnight (as I did as well.) Because the first three were AWESOME!!!

Betsy Lee said...

Don't worry, Courtney! Your days of playing make believe aren't over! Just have kids and they give you the perfect excuse to get back into the make believe world. ;)

megship said...

Ah, I remember those days. Dax always complains about being "little" and asks when he will be a grown up so he can do fun stuff like drive. (yeah, real fun) I try explaining how he is in the best part of his life. No responsiblities, and playing all day? What more would you want?

I am actually relieved to hear the last one is not that awesome, cause I don't want it to take up so much of my time. I will still read it but hopefully it won't consume my life and my thoughts. I have other stuff to do, like find Larry and Charla a house cleaner. Ugh.

Ashley said...

Courtney...i couldn't help when reading your blog about you having issues with anger.. think back to the UVSC days with our dear coach you would put it. Together our anger was unstoppable!!

BAV said...

I understand how you feel, I am disappointed too. I had placed it high on this pedestal and now it has fallen flat on its face. It was closure. I am not so dramatically distressed as I once was upon a time. I think I can now handle seeing the movie. But they are still my favorite!

Unknown said...

I understand exactly how you feel. I am over the series as well...all because of Breaking Dumb.

That is...until Midnight Sun comes out, because that is going to be good no matter how bad Breaking Dawn is.

And thank you for mentally squishing all those "Twilight Fanatics" that really don't know what they are talking about.

Haylee said...

I miss you court. You let out enough aggression for both of us, that it even relieves my anger a bit. It is hard to chanel when I get angry when I don't have you expressing it for the both of us. I just have to keep it in and smile. Anyway... I have not read it yet, because the second my mom got it, Amber, Collin's wife, snagged it before she even got all the way through the door. So, I'm still waiting for it. Oh and Jesse is still a little terrified of you because of your curbside comment that one time. Hehe