So I spent a weekend in Utah to see my mom and family. It was really great to see them all, and especially my mom. I love my family and wouldn't trade them for anything.

Now, on to equally as important topics, such as the second time in my life someone told me I looked like Melissa Joan Hart. Yes, the second time. No one has ever told me I looked like anybody except this specific celebrity (can she really even be called that?), and I have to say that it upsets me greatly. I feel that I am slightly more attractive and remarkably less annoying than she is.
The first time someone told me I looked like Sabrina the Teenage Witch was when I was a junior in high school. It was a boy I thought I could possibly like and when he said I looked 'exactly like Melissa Joan Hart, its freaky...' I paused for only a few seconds, just to throw up, and then remembered that I absolutely detested him and had never even thought him remotely normal.
The second time someone told me I looked like her was a few days ago, from one of the patients at my work. She asked me if I knew who 'Sabrina the Teenage Witch' was, and I said that I did, completely ignorant of where the conversation was leading. I quickly thought of the hideous boy who once told me I resembled her and began remembering what terrible destruction I wished upon him for making up such a lie. She smiled and said, "you look just like her!" I smiled and walked away smiling. I smiled all the way to the kitchen, where I picked up a coffee maker, still smiling, and carried it back to the room where the patient was waiting. I smiled at her while I threw it at her, shattering the glass pot against the wall, all the while smiling.
Say I look like her and be prepared to face the consequences: a smashed coffee pot behind your head. I mean, is it so arrogant to think I am more attractive than her? Has anyone else ever gotten a 'You look exactly like...' remark, that is absolutely uncomplimentary? I never walk up to someone thats really short and said, "you look exactly like Danny DiVito!" or to someone fairly pale, "Wow. Do you know who Marilyn Manson is, because you could be twins!"
Crap. I just really looked at some pictures. I think I do look like her, but that she actually looks better than I do. Crap.