Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Recap

I had a great Christmas, thanks for asking, but I don't have a single picture to prove it. So just take my word on it. It was grand. And consider yourself fortunate for not having to sift through hundreds of pictures of me and my fat rolls. My fat rolls also appreciate the discretion.

Although to say that I had a fabulous Christmas and to not say what was so fabulous about it seems ungrateful and dishonest. So here are some of the highlights of Christmas 2008 for Courtney.
  • Playing hours of Monopoly with Meg and Ty -While staying at Meg's house, the four of us (the fourth person being Josh), would settle every night with a rousing game of Monopoly. It was ridiculously fun and it seems weird to go to bed without first going bankrupt. I lost every time. It was also amusing to hear Ty and Josh analyze the similarities between Monopoly and everyday life. Like we could ever afford Park Place in real life!
  • Half-sleeping through Josh and his fam battling MarioKart on the Wii - While staying at the Robbins, we would spend hours opening up new courses (I include myself in this, but really I was usually half-sleeping on the couch) in MarioKart on the beloved Wii. It was fun and it was even better because Josh would go to bed so exhausted, he would temporarily forget his love affair with his iphone, and would forgo his nightly game of Sudoku. It was amazing going to bed without the faint glow of the iphone glimmering in my face. I'll never forget it.
  • Going to Tucanos, and then barfing it all back up - That pretty much wraps it up. It was fun going there to eat, not so much the throwing it back up (although, it did point out to me that I don't chew my food up enough. Seriously. There were whole bits of meat just floating there in the toilet. I think I should chew more). Josh and Ty did some damage to the 'All you can eat' rule. I think the manager was going to ask us to leave. That or take their picture for the most meat consumed in a single sitting.
  • Waking up every morning at the Robbins house, and having breakfast already made - Barb (Josh's mom) doesn't let old habits die, and whenever Josh is in the house, she will make him breakfast. I, in turn, benefit greatly, since I hate preparing anything at all (toast is a struggle), and there was always some delicious delight all ready for me to not chew. Delicious.
  • Just spending all day with someone a lot like me - My sister Meg and I are pretty different, but we're also pretty similar in many regards. I'm pretty sure if I weren't me, I would be my own friend (it makes sense...), and so palling around with Meg is just like being with myself. We like to sit and talk about how cool we are, and a lot of people don't seem to enjoy that (odd, right?). So we really love spending time together so we can talk about how awesome we are. We rule.
  • Just seeing friends and some family - It's always nice to be somewhere familiar and with people who know and love you. It was nice to see both families (we didn't really see a lot of my family, but my family is weird like that) and to spend even a few minutes with friends. I miss them all.


megship said...

It really was awesome. Just think, if you guys lived here....we could pal around all day everyday, play Monopoly at night, and I will make you breakfast every morning! I won't get a Wii cause then Josh won't want to play Monopoly.

I miss you guys so much already. That was one of the best Christmases ever!

Natalie Scott said...

Next to the Christmas WE spent with you last year, Meg. Ha! J/K

I really wish I could've been there with you guys, sitting around basking in our awesomeness. Yes, yes I would have really enjoyed that.

Glad you had such a wonderful Christmas break! How was the cold? Brrr.

Brett said...

Sounds like a fun Christmas Court. I'm glad you made it here and back safely.

Anonymous said...

I feel kind of sad I missed this Christmas opportunity. Did you guys forget how awesome I am? And Natalie? It would have been awesome to the power of four! Think of what we can do with our forces combined! Now I feel all sorts of sad.

Haylee said...

I don't mind hanging out with people that just sit around and worship themselves. I like it... maybe that is why I spend endless hours at your house day after day, in the good old days.

Haylee said...

I meant to say spent, not spend... I don't live in California, dang it!

Brooke said...

I don't think I could do a couple nights of monopoly. We played on new years with the new electronic one. First time I've ever even seen the game finished. (didn't even know it did finish) Glad you enjoyed your holiday! And don't forget to chew more, could be disasterous!