Sunday, July 20, 2008

White Trash!!

I have decided after long hours of serious contemplation ('serious contemplation' consisting of watching hours of America's Funniest Videos...), I have decided that my newest ambition in life, other than becoming an assassin, is to commit myself wholly to becoming absolute white trash. I have decided that they live better lives than the majority of Americans and I want a piece of that action.

See, I want to be able to park my car on my front lawn (never mind that I don't have my own front lawn...). The sheer brilliancy of it all just only came to me and I'm devastated to death about all the wasted steps I have taken in my lifetime, when I really could have simply parked closer to the front door by parking on the grass. All those years! Imagine the mileage! Probably at least 1/2 mile. Plus, your car covers part of the lawn and you could stop watering the grass, saving on water (if a light bulb just went off in your head too, consider yourself my soulmate. We can call NASA together). Think about it and then seriously tell me that you don't want to be white trash also, though after the serious logic I just presented, I doubt anyone will want anything but white trash paradise. No more haircuts (at least not in the back), shirts with sleeves, homes without wheels, or trucks without a 30 foot lift. Hello, NASCAR!

The other thing I've been thinking about today (I can only think of two things per day before my brain starts to overheat and I start really laughing at America's Funniest Videos. Seriously. That show gets funnier the later it gets), is the obsession we have with all things organic. I realized that I don't really even know what that means, since I was watching the tv auditions for High School Musical 3 (you can stop barfing; I only have one channel and I've finished all my library books. What else is there to do? Don't answer that...), and one of the judges said that the auditionee was, 'not organic enough.' She wasn't 'organic enough?' She was grown using pesticides, maybe? Was I grown with pesticides? Tell me what that means, and I'll tell you who killed Kennedy. Wait. Thats still a mystery right? Because my point would not be made if you already know the answer to that.

Here is a picture (I don't have any of the really cute beach ones) of me, Annie, and Haylee. They came, we partied, they left. Sad day.The second picture is a pic of us at Leesa's (my other friend) wedding shower. Look how cute we are!


cameo said...

Hmm, this is very interesting. No more shopping sprees at Nordstrom? No more designer jeans? I have to wonder if you've really thought this through?

Natalie Scott said...

I want one of those cart thingys.