Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Chet Robert Robbins

He's here. In all his glory.
Chet Robert Robbins
January 3, 2011
Weight: 7 lbs 15 oz
Height: 20 1/2 inches

Some might wonder Rip's reaction to his little brother. Well, here he is trying to twist off his head. Not really, but it does look that way, doesn't it? For the most part Rip ignores him. He does like to rub his face all over Chet and give him 'kisses,' though. The first day he threw a remote at his head and tried to rip his head away while I was nursing Chet, but he's mostly adjusted to having this new pet at home. I'm pretty sure he thinks Chet is a dog since he's constantly petting his head. Needless to say, Chet's hair is usually pretty greasy.

I've intentionally never mentioned Rip's skin disorder. Probably because it's both a little weird and a little psychotic. See, Rip loves skin to skin contact. And when I say he loves it, I mean he goes into a ballistic rage if Josh ever dares get out of the shower without holding him and letting this psychotic child caress his chest. It worries us.
And this is our little snowman shoveling the walk. He's oh so helpful.
Anyway, we're all doing good. I'll admit, this has been a completely different experience than with Rip. For one, Chet doesn't frighten me the same way Rip did. I remember being absolutely terrified of taking Rip anywhere, scared he was going to cry or do some absolutely horrible baby thing I couldn't control. Anyway, I feel way more prepared this time. Not to say that I think newborns are especially awesome, I still prefer a 6 month old. But I don't necessarily want to throw myself in front of a bus this time. It's an amazing feeling.


The Stones said...

Congrats Court, he's super cute!

Brooke said...

Congrats on the new arrival! I wasnt expecting a post for another month. Love the name! The second baby seems so much easier than the first. I think it's because the first are meant to put you through the ringer. Makes you "mom tough" to be able to do pretty much anything. :)

cameo said...

He is totally a cutie. I was pleasantly surprised to see this post and the pictures...so thank you!

Crystal said...

Congrats! Chet and Rip (you can't get names much cooler than those), I miss Rip!!!! He is looking so freaking cute in those pictures! And I miss you too!

megship said...

Okay, the naked pic is a little creepy. It looks like you snapped a photo of them naked! But I LOVE the pic of Ripster holding Chet's head and I love Rip as a marshmallow man!

rvasay said...

this is such a cute baby!!! He is easier because you know he can live through having his head petted and kissed! With the second you realize how tough babies really are. Cute pictures Cork and I will attest to both babies being very cute!MOM

Mark and Kendra said...

He is so CUTE!! Hope you are all doing well! And I can't wait to meet Chet in person.

Natalie Scott said...

Yeah, I'm with Meg. Creepy nude pic but CUTE little baby boys! So much fun awaits, Court. You just wait! :) Those little boys are going to be the source of pure joy and hilarity. I'm so happy to know my voodoo worked.;)

Chet's the bomb. Love the name. Such a beautiful little baby. Good job!

M said...

I'm impressed by how quickly you posted! Chet is very cute! And I love the picture of Rip in his snow suit. It reminds me of "A Christmas Story".

Amy said...

Congrats you guys! What a cutie. Good work! :) CA misses you!

Alyssa/Jo said...

Congrats! I'm glad it's not terrible! Please don't post anymore creepy skin pics.

Dayna said...

Wow, I'm amazed you updated. Seriously. Impressed X 100. Loved reading this... and thank you for helping me feel a little less freaked out about having #2. Seriously.

PS. I plan on coming over next week. Just letting you know.

Kim & Clay said...

OK Chet really is such a cute baby boy and you always come up with the coolest names. I love it.

It seriously makes me so happy that you're feeling better about it all the 2nd time around. That's reassuring.

P.S. Long time, no see. Although I drive past your house all the time--as creepy as that sounds, you know what I mean.

Colin, Jamie and Presley Kent said...

I can only wish an obese baby on you...then you may develop the same skin fetish as Rip....there's nothing like snuggling with a naked, obese baby. Chet is darling, congrats girlie. Go Stanford, if you got in then maybe I could go a few days without thinking about offing myself. Keep me posted!!

Frazier Family said...

Cute, cute boy. He's got a little hair too :) Glad Rip seems to be adjusting to the pet. Glad Josh gets home tonight too. I always feel like a single parent with Mike gone at med school and it sucks! Enjoy your day tomorrow!

Diane said...

Congratulations Courtney!