Monday, September 20, 2010

Another boy?

First off, it's been a long time. I have been protesting the internet altogether, for no real reason. I love pointless protests.

Second off, we're having another boy, and boy, am I relieved. Although, when the fake doctor (this guy was a DO, not a MD, really a complete fake, sort of like a chiropractor. Oh, does that offend you? Show me proof that chiropractors are at all legitimate) showed us the ultrasound and we saw the distinguishing marks that make a boy a boy, I was momentarily disappointed. Yeah, figure that one out. Anyway, I'm back on the 'boys are better for people like me' bandwagon, so no worries.

I really have been out of the loop. I guess I should update the world as to Rip's latest developments (if you're shouting 'NOOOOOO!!!!!! Please NOOOOOOOO!!!!' don't worry, I'll keep it to a 17 paragraph minimum and only include 5000000 pictures of Rip doing nothing of real interest). Let us begin.
  • Rip walks. True, sort of like a dog does on his hind legs, but he walks and he thinks he's pretty awesome because of it.
  • Rip has digressed into a 2 month old with colic. He has decided that crying is now his only means of communication and uses a lot of communication meanwhile hanging onto my legs.
  • Rip is 13 months and has only a half of a tooth. This half tooth has been in the works now for something like 4 months. At this rate, Rip will be teething until he's 16.
  • Rip generally dislikes most foods. He eats only toast and crackers and is thinking of coming out with a new diet book revealing his findings.
  • Rip, like his mom, has no interest in the general population. He truly wants nothing to do with any person aside from me and Josh. It is aggravating, but I must say that I relate. Strangers in the grocery store have no business smiling at us. It's unnerving and if it was at all acceptable to give severely dirty looks at the smiling checkout lady trying to make me laugh, I would too. Until then, I leave it up to Rippy.
  • Rip loves books and is constantly bringing me books and trying to climb into my lap. Only problem aside from not allotting my entire day to reading 'That's not my Dinosaur!', I can't stand reading the same 25 books over and over again. It sort of makes me want to blow my brains out.
  • Oh, Rip hates his new brother. I only know this because he is obsessed with pulling my shirt up and hitting my bare belly. I would say this is strange behavior, but as Rip's true personality begins to emerge, the weird Asay genes emerge as well. The kid is weird (for anyone out of the loop, my side of the family has some serious weirdness).
  • Last off, Rip has an obsession with pushing things. He screams to push the grocery cart, he disrupts sunday school because he's trying to push the metal chairs around, he pushes his high chair through the house, he has even taken to getting behind me and pushing my legs. Yeah. He's a freak.
So there you have it. I can't make any promises to update more often, mostly because I am almost 7 months pregnant and my day is typically not that monumental.


Dayna said...

Its about time you post. But I was hoping for a bare belly 7 month shot. HA! And I want to hear about Josh's birthday party sleepover. Where did you go? Or were you the party host?

Jayne met a new boy. Don't worry though, he's not as cute as Rip so I don't think it will go anywhere.

megship said...

I never knew you were disappointed. You really shouldn't be. Girls suck. As for Asay genes, it is really the roll of the dice every time one of us reproduces. I still think Rip is a heck of a lot better than Macie. Whenever you think your life sucks cause Rip is weird, think of my'll feel better.

Natalie Scott said...

Thank goodness for our weird genes! It keeps family interesting and entertaining. :) I just don't know what we'd do without our weird little creatures like Brin and Evie. Sigh.

The two month old colic thing is probably related to the teething. I suppose I shouldn't mention that Sam now has 6 teeth!! Now who's the freak?

rvasay said...

Maybe you could get dentures until the teeth come in. Weird is good because I am pretty sure that all my kids think those "weird " genes come from me!

cameo said...

7 months pregnant, really? Wow, that time flew way fast...for me at least. You look cute.

Frazier Family said...

2 boys is the best way to go! I've heard girls are hard. I woulnd't know. I just like raising boys best. Congrats again.