Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Almost 37 weeks...

Muahaha! Now you have to have that frightening image ingrained into your memory. I suffer, you suffer. That's the way I operate. Most people have the decency to show their nasty prego bellies covered. Not I. I want you to feel the pain, the discomfort, and the sheer horror of seeing the truly grotesque, because really, pregnant bellies are disgusting. And yes, my belly button is sticking out and no, I do not cover it up with a bandaid or tape. I just don't really care that a protruding button makes you uncomfortable.

I'll tell you what, though. There has never been a time in my life when more people have wanted to discuss my weight and size. Someone asked me the other day if I was having twins. Another woman expressed to me that I should be careful. I'm getting too big and I still have a long way to go. I wanted to point out that it might feel like a lot longer to her after I rip her apart limb from limb, but I let it slide; I'll wait until after the baby is born and people are still asking me when I'm due to fully erupt. Another keen observer pointed out the other day, "Wow. You're really out there! I think I only gained 15 lbs in my pregnancy." Uh huh. Thanks lady. I'll be sure to leave that in my suicide note.

But I was thinking about how once you're pregnant, it's a like some kind of free for all to say whatever you want. I've gotten a lot of "You sure are getting big! I saw you just 4 weeks ago and you weren't nearly this big!" or "You sure do look uncomfortable. And it's only going to get worse." What I want to mention is that I don't look uncomfortable because I'm pregnant; I look uncomfortable because you're standing too close and I'm thinking how best to strangle you. I don't even know these people. At least my mom has the decency to try and cover up her weight inspection with some non-subtle remark about finding a new fat free candy or remarking how fun running can be. Seriously people. I don't point out your weight, no need to point out mine.


rvasay said...

I base all of my weight assessments, which as a highly critical, overeducated, and therefore eminently qualified MAN, on the fat quotient of the arms, cheeks, and calves. Together with the history of pre pregnancy exercise addiction and "how often do I look in the store window" anxiety quotient I am able to factor everything into the rwa post pregnancy "is this really a temple index". You will be happy to know that you score a 77.9 out of 85 which is very exceptionally outstandingly high, and means that you will be slender and perfect within three months of your delivery.

And speaking of delivery, that will be a pretty awesome outcome too. The same lovelies who are comparing parts of you to various vegetables will be first in line to ooh and aah over the baby.

I think that you are perfectly beautiful


Anjanette said...

I think you look great. I didn't mind the belly growing so much as the boobs a few days after Jackson was born. Man, talk about HUGE! Good luck with that.

rvasay said...

I love this picture! I think you look adorable---can't wait to see you. Did you want me to bring some sugar-free candy?Haha What can I say Rip needs his space! I love you MOM

cameo said...

Crazy people. I have no idea why they think they can just say anything. We are still girls and we still don't want to hear that we are huge. I will continue to call you skinny and what a hotty hotty you are! Cuz you are.

Brooke said...

Muahaha! I can't stop laughing Court! Not at the picture but at how funny you are! Seriously I love it! The things people say...or don't say.

Anonymous said...

people are jerks!!!! I got a lot of those same comments and the thing that bugged me most about it is I was smaller 9 months pregnant than they were at the moment of making such cruel comments! Honestly!

Shelli said...

Court - you are absolutely glowing...

Seriously though, do you scowl like that when people tell you those things? Because if you do...they have balls, and will probably find themselves shot by someone that packs heat.

Anyway, you are beautiful. And I'm very excited to meet (though pictures) little Rip.

Love you.

Natalie Scott said...

Aaaah, dad is awesome.

You look really really good, and I will try and follow your good example by maybe posting a pregnant pic on my blog which I swore never to do. Actually, no, I probably won't (not with the bare belly anyway).

I've gotten SO many of the "wow, you're really out there" and "are you having twins" remarks I'd be loaded if I had a dime for every time. I just laugh now because Hello look at my pretty babies ;)

Rip is going to be the most perfect thing you ever saw and you will be quietly feeling more vindicated than you've ever felt!

megship said...

Okay, first of all I really am a little disgusted by the naked belly picture. I think prego bellies are gross, mine included of course. Second of all, your belly is tiny! It is not big at all and you don't have another set of arms attached to your original arms like I always do, so take it easy there! You look great and that is that! Please don't post anymore pictures of any nude parts of your body though.

Natalie said...

I agree with everything you said Court... we're in the exact same boat! I don't care to cover my bellybutton either and my hubby HATES it! You look great and I totally agree with Ron... three months tops! So excited for you!

Frazier Family said...

Getting closer! I'm excited for you. Remember though. One really is great. Two is when it starts getting hard and I've heart three really is the kicker.

LaLa said...

You look fabulous and I can't WAIT to hold Rip. I hope your Mom amd Josh won't hog him.

The McEwen's said...

I think you're picture is adorable (but I completely understand of you don't feel like it is, I felt the same with my giant basketball that took over my body). Hang in there, you're almost there, and by the way, you crack me up!

The Becks said... seriously are sooooooo funny! I love reading your blog, it cracks me up. And P.S. you look beautiful! Hope the last few days of pregnancy go well! I'm excited to see what your baby looks like:)

Haylee said...

Hey... you totally turned out to be one of those pregnant people that just get a belly and that is it. How did you keep your face from expanding.. this is my biggest concern.
and I love the serious face. I am calling you today to chat, so you better answer.