Saturday, November 15, 2008

Meeting a baby?

I had an interesting conversation with a frirend the other day. She had just had a baby not too long ago and having not seen the infant for myself, she suggested I come and 'meet her.' I sat there, wondering what it means to 'meet' a baby. Do we shake hands? Do I introduce myself? Do I tell her I like her shoes? I mean, am I meeting the baby, or am I faking admiration for the baby? Because those are two very different things and I have yet to walk up to a baby, stick out my hand, and have any sort of conversation with the baby that didn't involve me raising my voice 6 octaves.

I guess it comes down to the fact that I sort of get annoyed with new mothers. Having not been one myself, I find them rather obnoxious. I think it's because their entire personality changes once they have a kid and rather than being able to talk about anything other than the new child, you are forced to listen to feeding schedules, night routines, and what baby poop really smells like.

I understand that their life has dramatically changed to revolve around that one tiny little person, but it doesn't mean mine has. I think that new mothers should be sent to an island of some sort. Then they can all sit together, and talk about nothing other than their new babies. They can compare nursing experiences, how many blankets they made in order to prepare, and what their favorite brand of diapers is. They can rejoin society once they realize that no one other than themselves think their child is the smartest, cutest, or most talented 6 week old ever, if that ever happens.

I understand that I will undoubtedly become one of the said obnoxious new mothers some day, but until then, I will continue to be irritated with all new mothers. And really, can you be so much in denial to think that a 2 month old is cute? They're still all squished up and weird looking. Trust me. I've seen the pictures. If you disagree, send me a picture of a cute 2 month old that isn't yours.


Anjanette said...

hahaha. way too true.
...and I hope I don't give you too many reasons to send me off to an island of all new mothers. I really don't want to be one of "those" people.

megship said...

Uh,yeah. I also hate new moms. They are dang annoying. That is also why I hate most blogs that give 2 page descriptions about how their 3 day old is doing the cutest things. I am mean, but I just cannot stand it. I am quite the opposite. I just figure nobody cares about my kids so I just try not to draw attention to my kids or myself.

I don't really know if you will be one of those moms, but if you are going to the island I wanna come too!

Natalie Scott said...

That's an island I don't want to be on either. It really is like you said, new moms don't really have a life other than baby, so it's all they talk about. It's just important to be self-aware enough to realize you're doing it, and try to taper down I guess!

What bugs me MORE than new moms are moms with major 1st child syndrome. Now that right there is annoying.

Brett said...

New mom's are nearly as bad as moms with _____. I won't say it, but you can fill in the blank. Everyone's life seems to revolve around them, or at least that's what they seem to think. To answer your other complaint. I've seen cute kids at 2 months, though they're few and far between. though I don't collect photos of said babies. I'm not one to say a kid is cute when I don't believe them to be so. I stick to the . . . If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all theory, but if they insist I subscribe to the be careful what you ask for adage.

rvasay said...

There are lots of cute 2 month old babies! What are you talking about?
All of my children were perfect at birth-----just later on in life did they do weird things to their hair!
While I had control they looked perfect!(ha ha ha) I love you even if you don't think babies are cute!

Shelli said...

Thank goodness that you realize this now, and then you will NOT be one of those mothers.

Or, more likely, your child WILL be the smartest, cutest, most talented child and we'll not be able to deny it when you can't stop talking about him or her.

Haylee said...

I pretty much live in a ward with all new mothers... that's why I don't have any friends in my ward. If I don't have some insight to add about breast feeding and not sleeping anymore, I really just don't belong. Jon and I pretty much keep to ourselves and everyone else in the ward pretty much keeps to their own baby and never looks away. It's fun!

jarv said...

But Courtney I can't wait for you to meet Molly! She is sooooo cute. She slept for 7 hours straight the other night I was so excited, but my boobs were so full. I think she has acid reflux which is a bummer but she is on prevacid now so hopefully that will help. HaHaHaHa Just to be annoying!! I know you wish you could live below my screaming child and hear about all my woes and wonders

Jesse and Kimmie said...

Abby was a freak of nature with a lot of hair when she was born so people said she was really cute by the time she was 2 months. I know that goes against what you said about it not being your own kid but I had to put that in there :)
I agree though. When all my friends started having babies I noticed that I couldn't have a intellectual conversation anymore b/c it revolved around babies. That's why when I had Abby, i tried to be very careful not to fall under that cliche :) SO what are you and Josh up to lately? where are you living?

Steph said...

haha - i am TOTALLY one of those new mothers now....and i LOVE it!!! so take that! and go look at my blog for pics of a way cute 2 month 3 months....and he is chips - totally cute!!! wis i could introduce you to him!!! i wouldn't even make u shake hands.....i miss you girl!!!

Kristyn Elise said...

I prefer Pampers Swaddlers!

By the way, our 3rd was born on the 14th and he looks like a squishy old man.

Kirk and Jamie said...

I hope you remember us from the 87th ward glory days. I found your blog and was catching up on exciting experiences when I came across this post. I feel your sentiments exactly and only wish I had the guts to tell anyone with children that this is how I feel. In the mean time I will go on hearing about diaper changing’s, morning feedings and videos of their c-sections (eew) for the rest of my days. Glad to see you are hanging in there and enjoying the San Diego sun.