Thursday, May 20, 2010


Okay, so for the most part, Rip isn't very photogenic (an inherited disorder, I think). I can't stop laughing at this pose. Rip looks like one of those high school wrestlers who tries to look really tough by making his neck look huge. We tried to take some mother's day pictures, ya know, since I'm a mother? Ish? Well, no matter. He did better with Josh. No wonder, considering he is completely a daddy's boy. Totally prefers his dad. Guess what, Rip? The feeling is mutual.

But the real question is, what to do with Rip's hair. He actually has some (you can't tell, but it's back there; I promise). He has developed the classic 9 month old mullet, and I am torn as to what to do with it. Cut it so he looks absolutely bald, or maintain the flowy back region so he looks like he belongs in an 80's sitcom? What to do, what to do...

Also, Rip loves to play under our bed (our bed is tall; yeah, we're rockstars). He has only just put two and two together. Get mom's phone from off the nightstand, and hide under the bed with it. Mom is less willing to crawl under the bed to retrieve it from you there. He has started stealing things he knows I won't let him have and sprints (more like a sprint crawl of sorts) as fast as his chubby legs will carry him to the most center part of the bed. Sometimes I think the kid is a genius. And then I watch him chase a ball around, and I figure otherwise.


Shelli said...

Courtney! You look so pretty in that picture.

Haylee said...

Haha!! Rip is a genius. But more than that I will give him props for his athleticism in getting under the bed before you can catch him. He is a good looking little fellow. I miss him. Stupid practicum....

rvasay said...

He is very smart I can tell and kudos to him for getting the best of you! If you got rid of his mullet he could look more like his Dad but right now he looks like you more!
I love him and you MOM

Diane said...

Um, speaking of skinny! Tell me your secrets - I'll need them as soon as this baby arrives.

Dayna said...


I think the hiding under the bed thing is hilarious. I would have laughed out loud if my mouth wasn't swollen shut. I miss my Rip.

Alyssa/Jo said...

With a photogenic mom how did you end with a not so photogenic son? You just want to look the prettiest in all the pictures, don't you!?

Eli said...

Court this post is an answer to prayer. I haven't known what to get Rip for his birthday or Christmas, but now it is clear that a singlet is the only option (unless, of course, Josh has already given him the one he used to wear in his room when he didn't think anyone was watching)

Katherine said...

Ahh Courtney, you make me LAUGH! (I just finally had to comment.) The "classic 9-month mullet/flowy back region" dilemma. Hilarious. There has to be some David Beckham 'do that Rip can go for-- no? Maybe Vin Diesel?

Frazier Family said...

Keep it. It could be worse. What if he had black hair? A black mullet is much more offensive to me.